[다큐] How The Government Manipulates Facts | The Secret Battle | Exposing Propaganda
[미국 정치] How Donald Trump won and how Kamala Harris lost the US Election | BBC Newscast
[民主主義] 민주주의가 최악이라고 비판한 철학자
[Opinion] 대중의 지배로 몰락하는 현대 사회 (feat. 오르테가 이 가세트 '대중의 반역')
[Politics] Why fear and anger are so effective in politics
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- The Rise Of Hitler
- How To Successfully Pull Off A Military Coup
- Joseph Goebbels: The Nazi Propagandist Who Groomed A Nation
- A History of the Secret U.S. Government: Espionage, Coup D’Etats – CIA & FBI Documentary (1988)
- 1861-1865: The Complete Story Of The American Civil War
- America’s Declaration – The Fight for Independence
- How Marco Polo Impacted East-West Relations
- Yalta’s Broken Promise : Hope for Peace, Prelude to the Cold War
- 사람들은 원래 유대인을 혐오했다. 히틀러가 유대인을 죽인 이유.
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- How The Government Manipulates Facts | The Secret Battle | Exposing Propaganda
- Michael Moore’s Oscar-nominated 2007 film, “SiCKO” on America’s healthcare system
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- Inside the World’s Most Spectacularly Failed Coup
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- The American Oligarchs – What is the Cost of American Democracy?
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- Running A Campaign: How Trump Won The US Election
- How pandemics, wars and disasters jeopardize global trade
미국 오피니언
- Philippe Reines(former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton) recommends strategy for a Democratic comeback
- How Donald Trump won and how Kamala Harris lost the US Election | BBC Newscast
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- How The Government Manipulates Facts | The Secret Battle | Exposing Propaganda
- Michael Moore’s Oscar-nominated 2007 film, “SiCKO” on America’s healthcare system
- A History of the Secret U.S. Government: Espionage, Coup D’Etats – CIA & FBI Documentary (1988)
- 1861-1865: The Complete Story Of The American Civil War
- Joe Biden’s Relentless Pursuit of the Presidency | President Joe Biden: Not Your Average Joe
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- Running A Campaign: How Trump Won The US Election
- Donald Trump’s Relationship with Roy Cohn
- Joseph Goebbels speech on the 10th Anniversary of the Seizure of Power (January 30, 1943)
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- The Rise and Fall of the Media
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- “Confidence Man”: Maggie Haberman on Donald Trump
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일본 오피니언
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